2nd Annual Sturgeon Symposium: Fantastic Worlds, Fraught Futures

Celebrating science fiction, speculative fiction, & the 2023-24 KU Common Book
Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower
September 20-22, 2023
with collaborative event on September 19
All events open to the public! Register now at link above!
(not required for attendance, but this will help us with planning.
Off-campus registrants, contact sfcenter@ku.edu for parking information)
NOTE: All events will be held
at the Hall Center for the Humanities,
900 Sunnyside Ave, Lawrence, KS,
except when otherwise noted. Virtual
events will be online only (not
Tuesday night, 9/19
6-8 pm, Kansas Union, The Jay
Feminist Futures Forum with Olaronke Akinmowo
In collaboration with the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity and the KU Common Book
Wednesday, 9/20
(all virtual am, in-person zine workshop pm)
9:15-10:15 am, Virtual, Zoom link (Meeting ID: 712 192 3424)
Panel: Storytelling as alternative universe
Moderator: Ali Brox
- Sumanta Pramanik & Shri Krishan Rai, “Traversing the Multiverse in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle through the Lens of Quantum Mechanics”
- Sarah Nolan, “Theodore Sturgeon’s Utopian Dreams: Encountering Generic Lineage in the Archive”
- Marleen S. Barr, “The Queens English Or What’s a Nice Feminist Scholar Like Me Doing Writing Science Fiction About a Former President Like This?”
10:30-11:15 am, Virtual, Zoom link (Meeting ID: 712 192 3424)
Panel: Ecocritical approaches to SFF
Moderator: Jasmine Holthaus
- Emad Aysha & Ahmad Al-Madhi, Ecocriticism and Environmental Themes in Arabic and Muslim Science Fiction
- [Azadeh Mehrpouyan, “Womanhood and Motherhood in Ecofeminist Science Fiction: Sheri Stewart Tepper” - unable to attend]
video recording
Some links from chat:
Work by Emad Aysha
Interview with Ahmad Al-Madhi (text link)
[lunch on your own]
1-2 pm, Virtual, Zoom link (Meeting ID: 712 192 3424)
Roundtable: Latinx Speculative Poetry Futures
- Angela Acosta (chair), Angel Leal [Violeta Orozco, unable to attend]
some links from chat:
Angela Acosta's poem in collection
Angel Leal's poem
Discord server: Calamitous: A Queer SFFH Writing Group
3-4:30 pm, Spencer Museum of Art (in person)
- Olaronke Akinmowo, Zine workshop
in collaboration with the Emily Taylor Center for Women & Gender Equity and the KU Common Book
Thursday 9/21
(virtual am, in-person pm)
9:30-10:15, Virtual, Zoom link (Meeting ID: 712 192 3424)
Panel: Ethics of Nonhuman Life
Moderator: Silvia Park
- [Sonakshi Srivastava, “In(ter)ventions: Technologies of Preserving Nonhuman Life in the Anthropocene” --unable to attend due to technical difficulties; presentation to be uploaded when available]
- Himangshu Sarma, “Nonhuman Animals and the Ethics of Biotechnology in Octavia Butler's Dawn”
10:30-11:00 am, Virtual, Zoom link (Meeting ID: 712 192 3424)
Panel: CSSF
Moderator: Katie Conrad
- Michael Alan Johnson and Sandra Jacobo, "Building Connections, Building Community: The Gunn Center's Efforts to Promote Science Fiction Scholarship"
[lunch on your own]
1 – 2 pm, Hall Center
L. L. McKinney Y. A. / S. F. creative writing workshop (in person)
All levels welcome! Join YA and SF author L. L. McKinney for this wonderful opportunity to work with a celebrated local writer of international renown and a noted advocate for equality and inclusion in the publishing world. McKinney is the author of the Nightmare-verse series and a number of SF and YA titles, including but not limited to Marvel's Black Widow: Bad Blood, Power Rangers Unlimited: Heir to Darkness, and contributions to The Black Girl Survivies in This One and Wonderland.
Crowdcast recording coming soon
2:15 – 3:15, Hall Center
Panel: Octavia Butler
Moderator: Giselle Anatol
- Deja Beamon, “Maternal Memory: Re-membering Black Motherhood in the Face of Alzheimer’s in Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower”
- Kylee Smith, Something ‘other-than-human’: Re-reading Parable of the Sower and the Broken Earth Trilogy as a Posthuman Map for Survival and Resistance”
- Rachel Schwaller, "God is Change: Using Religion in Parable to Engage and Decolonize our Classrooms"
3:30 – 5 pm, Hall Center
State of SF Roundtable
- Philip Drake (chair), L. L. McKinney, Silvia Park, and Bogi Takács
5:30 – 7 pm, Hall Center
Sturgeon Award presentation & reception
- Reception at 5:30; program at 6
In person, with Crowdcast option: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/sturgeon - Opening remarks, Theodore Sturgeon Collection, Elspeth Healey, Spencer Special Collections Curator
- Introduction and Award Presentation, Noël Sturgeon, Trustee, Theodore Sturgeon Literary Trust
- Reading, Samantha Mills, 2023 Sturgeon Award Winner
Crowdcast recording coming soon
Friday 9/22
(all in-person)
9-10 am, Hall Center
Panel: Affect, power, community
Moderator: Zack Smith
- Bogi Takács Perelmutter, "Transcendent Sharing - Early Counter-Imaginaries of Gendered Magical Power in American Speculation”
- RB Lemberg Perelmutter, “Representations of queer neurodivergent communities in Ada Hoffmann’s The Fallen and Andi Buchanan’s The Sanctuary”
- A.D. Boynton, II, “‘Damn, Yall Feel That?’: Sensitivity at the End of the World”
10:15 – 10:45 am, Hall Center
Creative reading
Introduction: Katie Conrad
- Maria Melendez Kelson, “The Parable of Nati (short story)"
10:55 am – 12 pm, Hall Center
Roundtable: Hispanic Speculative Fiction
Moderator: Emily Ryan
- Miguel González-Abellás, “Cloning as a Nightmare: Representations of Clones in Paraguayan Sci-Fi Novels”
- Sean Gullickson, “Escaping España: Spanish Climate Fiction Searches for the Space between Today and Tomorrow" Sean Gullickson,
- Zachary Glassett, "“Roots, Chains, and Invisible Threads: Milpa as Representative of Capitalist Exploitation and Anti-capitalist Resistance in Sleep Dealer”
- Miguel Ángel Albújar-Escuerdo, “From garden to farm, exploitative suggestions of techno bros in two of Liliana Colanzi´s sci-fi short stories"
LUNCH (Hall Center, catered for registrants) 12-1 pm
12:30 – 1:30 pm, Hall Center
Panel: SFF, Disability, and Justice
Moderator: Phil Drake
- Rachel Andreini, “Technology, the Body, and Disability: A Posthuman Response to Marie Corelli’s A Romance of Two Worlds”
- Margarita Nuñez-Arroyo, “Disability Justice in Helena Viramontes’s Under the Feet of Jesus”
- Emily Aguilar, “Against Criminality: Storytelling as Abolitionist Practice in Midnight Robber”
1:40 – 2:40 pm, Hall Center
Teaching SF Roundtable
Moderator: Giselle Anatol
- Silvia Park, RB Lemberg Perelmutter, Ani Kokobobo, Christian Holt, Jasmine Holthaus, and Phil Drake.
3 – 4:30 pm, Spencer Museum of Art
Closing Reception
KU Common Work of Art
Remarks by Joey Orr
6:30 pm, Woodruff Aud., KS Student Union
Movie, “The Host” (dir. Bong Joon Ho, 2006), followed by trivia and panel discussion
Free! Co-sponsored by SciFlix, KU Edwards